Studies in Modern English (No.20〜)



Variants of Vowels in Early Modern English

   ………………………………………………………Kazuko Araki            1

Historical Development of Collective Use of Many 

   ……………………………………………………Yasuaki Fujiwara          13

I say as a Pragmatic Marker in Shakespeare 

   …………………………………………………….Hiroji Fukumoto          33

Some aspects of Shakespeare’s Use of Simile 

   ………………………………………………………Fusako Matsuura          55

A Syntactic Approach to the Present Perfect Puzzle

  In the History of English 

   ……………………………………………………Tomohiro Yanagi          73


Minoji Akimoto Grammaticalization and Idiomatization 

   ……………………………………………………Tadao Nomura          105

Teresa Fanego, María José López-Couso, and

  Javier Pérez-Guerra (eds.) English Historical Syntax and

  Morphology: Selected Papers from 11 ICEHL 

   ……………………………………………………Yujitsu Ohmori          117

Donka Minkova and Robert Stockwell (eds.)  Studies

  In the History of the English Language: A Millennial

  Perspective (Topics in English Linguistics 39)

   ……………………………………………………Harumi Tanabe         125

Yoko Iyeiri Negative Constructions in Middle English 

   ……………………………………………………Masatomo Ukaji         133

Susan Conrad and Douglas Biber (eds.)  Variation in English:

  Multi-Dimensional Studies 

   ……………………………………… …Atsuko Furuta Umesaki          141

《Program of the 20th MEA Commemoration Conference》……         151

《Instructions to Authors》…………………………………………          153



A Historical Consideration of Standard English with

  Special Reference to Standard Old English

   ……………………………………………………………Shigeru Ono            1

Categorization, Grammaticalization and the Development

  of a Functional D-system  ..……………………………Fuyo Osawa          15

The Reporting Clause in Oliver Twist  ………………Miyuki Nishio          39

The Development of Concessive May and

  Discourse Strategies  …………………………………Mitsuru Maeda         69

A Syntactic Approach to the Present Perfect Puzzle

  In the History of English 

   ………………………………………………………Tomohiro Yanagi          73

《Squibs and Discussion》

Is the Passive Proposition By Semantically Empty? 

   …………………………………………………Fuminori Matsubara         93

The Resultative Construction in the

  Elizabethan Period   ……………………………Keiko Yamamoto       103


Michiko Ogura Verbs of Motion in Medieval English

   ……………………………………………………Yasuaki Ishizaki         113

Elizabeth Closs Traugott and Richard B. Dasher

  Regularity in Semantic Change  ………………Michio Hosaka         121

Ulrich Busse Linguistic Variation in the Shakespeare Corpus:

  Morpho-syntactic Variability of Second Person

  Pronouns (Pragmatics & Beyond: New Series 106)

   ……………………………………………………Masakatsu Mizuno        131

《Program of the 21st MEA Conference》 …………………………          139

《Instructions to Authors》 ……………………………………………         141



Historical Changes of the Syntactic Forms of Coordinate

  Constructions ― From Old English to Early Modern

 English ― …………………………………………………Ryoji Iwata            1

On the Development of (Just) in Case : From the Viewpoint

Of Grammaticalization  ……………………Tomohiro Kawabata         25

On Case Licensing of Infinitival Subjects in Middle and

  Modern English   …………………………………Tomoyuki Tanaka         47

There Contact Clauses and the Emergence of Relative

Pronouns  ………………………………………Noriko Nakazawa         71

On the Historical Development of “the + River Name” 

   ……………………………………………………Masayuki Higuchi         93

《Squibs and Discussion》

Passive of Double Object Constructions in English 

   …………………………………………………………Shin Oshima        121

Finite and Non-Finite Clauses in 15th Century English

   ………………………………………………………Kazumi Manabe       127

The Lexical / Functional Distinction in the Nominal

   ……………………………………………………………Fumio Mohri       133


Olga Fischer, et al. (eds.)  Up and down the Cline

  ― The Nature of Grammaticalization   …………Minoji Akimoto       141

Donka Minkove Alliteration and Sound Change in Early English

    ………………………………………………………Masao Okazaki        153

Irma Taavitsainen and Andereas H. Jucker (eds.)

  Diachronic Perspectives on Address Term Systems

   ……………………………………………………Hidefumi Kinoshita       167

《Program of the 22nd MEA Conference》 …………………………        173

《Instructions to Authors》 ………………………………………・・……       175



A Stylistic Approach to Pip's Class-consciousness in
  Great Expectations …………………………… Osamu Imahayashi  1

Lexical Diffusion and Complex Adaptive System 
  …………………………………………………………… Mieko Ogura  23

A Historical Change in the Syntactic Status of Not
Mikiko Mizoguchi 53

Multiple Negation in Victorian English;
  As Seen in Victorian Novels …………………  Masami Nakayama 79

An Analysis and History of Sentential Not
  ……………………………………………………… Madoka Murakami 99

Osamu Imahayashi and Hiroji Fukumoto (eds)
  English Philology and Stylistics: A festshrift for
  Professor Toshiro Tanaka
 …………………………  Masahiro Hori  129

Nobuko Suematsu Jane Austen's English:
  A Historical and Sociolinguistic Study ………… Yukio Haraguchi   139

Elly van Gelden Grammaticalization as Economy  
  ……………………………………………………………… Fuyo Ohsawa  147

Terttu Nevalainen An Introduction to Early Modern English
  ……………………………………………………………… Akira Wada  157
Ute Dons Descriptive Adequacy of Early Modern English Grammars
  ………………………………………………………… Masatomo Ukaji   165
《Program of the 23rd MEA Conference》  ………………………………… 175

《Instructions to Authors》 ……………………………………………………  177



The Progressive in Jane Austen's Works: Subject-Types 
 Yoko Bando  1

On the Historical Development of Nominative Absolutes
in English……………………………………… Satoshi Nakagawa  23

Looking at Origins of Sentimentalism through Richardson's
Novels: With Special Reference to Word-Formation

Kyoko Wakimoto 43

Yoko Iyeiri (ed.) Aspects of English Negation  
…………………………………………………  Madoka Murakamii  75

Laurel J. Brinton and Elizabeth Closs Traugott, Lexicalization
and Language Change
…………………… Yoshiyuki Nakao   85

Yoshitaka Kozuka A linguistic Study of the Authorship of
the West Saxon Gospels
………………………… Michiko Ogura  93

Bettelou Los, The Rise of the To-Infinitive
  …………………………………………………… Tomohiro Yanagi  99
《Program of the 24th MEA Conference》  ……………………………109

《Instructions to Authors》 …………………………………………  111



[Special Contribution] Inquiries into English Grammar
  ………………………………………………………………… Sadao Ando  1

I fear: The Historical Development of the Verb fear
and its Changing Patterns of Complementation 
  ……… ………………………………………………………… Yoko Iyeiri  19
A Usage-Based Analysis of the Distribution of Forth
in the History of English* …………………………… Yasuaki Ishizaki  41

Another Look at the Development of Epistemic Meanings:
A Historical Collocational Approach ……………… Reijirou Shibasaki 63

Verbs of Perception and Cognition in The Prelude …… Ken Nakagawa 85

On the Development of the Construction
"It is a pity/shame . . ."  …………………………… Masayuki Higuchi 111
《Squibs and Discussion》

On the Agentive Suffix -or ……………………………… Satoshi Ota 127

Plain Infinitival Constructions in John Evelyn's Diary …… Akemi Sasaki 135

The Phrase there's and there Contact Clause ……… Michiko Yaguchi 141

Ohkado Masayuki(2005) Clause Structure in Old English
 …………………………………………………………… Osamu Koma  151
Ian Roberts(2007) Diachronic Syntax …………………… Eiko Mizuno 157

Olga Fischer(2007) Morphosyntactic Change ……… Keiko Yamamoto 165

《Obituary》In Memory of Masachiyo Amano ………… Hirozo Nakano 173

《Program of the 25th MEA Conference》  …………………………………179

《Instructions to Authors》 …………………………………………………  181
